A very loved pup

Ok. Maybe you’ve heard of NuVet supplements, maybe you haven’t. Maybe you’re skeptical about supplements in general – hey, I get it. But you spent time researching breeders. You eliminated all the ones that were unprofessional and unknowledgeable. Then you turned away from breeders who didn’t seem to love their pups. You wouldn’t settle for second best! Go you! And that’s where you found us: Kindred Pup raises their puppies in our home, with our family, loved as pets from day one.

Our labradors get the best of everything we can offer, including nutrition. Their pedigrees are top-notch, they are bred for health and beauty, and everything that can be done is done to give them the longest and healthiest life possible.

One of those “things” is NuVet. If you do your research, NuVet is loved by breeders and vets everywhere for “filling in the blank” of your pup’s nutritional gaps. Nutrition plays a role in eyesight, coat health, joint health, cancers/seizures and other disorders. NuVet helps provide what may be missing from your pet’s diet.

  • NuVet is manufactured in Southern California in a pharmaceutical grade facility with human grade products.
  • And, NuVet has NEVER HAD A RECALL.
  • Plus, NuVet is food based, so your pet can never overdose on it.

Health is one of those things in life that is hard to value until its gone. For the cost of $4/week, you can know that you are giving your new Kindred Pup the best chance at a long and healthy life.

You can order NuVet here. And you really should.

Many reputable breeders put a NuVet requirement in their Health Contract. We do not do that at this time, mainly because I have no way of verifying that you gave it to your puppy. But proper nutrition plays a huge role in the health and happiness of every living thing, and this precious pup that you worked so hard to find is no exception.