Kindred Pup is proud to have found both dams and sires from amazing programs all over the world. The importance of a low inbreeding coefficient cannot be understated here. (Don’t know what this is? Hop on over to our article for a quick explanation.) This is an even bigger factor when you consider the popularity of Labrador Retrievers through the decades. A lot of requests for puppies means a lot of breeding the same lines over and over and over again.

Pardon our dust! We are undergoing a major overhaul of our adult pages.

Black Labrador Puppy

Meet the leading ladies of Kindred pup

Meet our kindred kings

Our Labrador Retrievers and their puppies are located in Central Tennessee with a wide delivery area. Our program began in beautiful Colorado and we are very thankful for our loyal following there. We head back with puppies to Colorado nearly every litter! We have pups happily living from coast to coast.