
Beautiful English Labrador Puppies

Piper is an AMAZING mama to these Labrador Puppies
She truly “snuggles” them – and keeps them immaculately clean!

Piper’s puppies are almost 2 weeks old now, and they are BEAUTIFUL. English Labrador puppies are always adorable, but these puppies are amazing. They are all thick as can be, doubled their weight on time, are healthy and thriving, and scooting all over the place these days!

We are so thankful for this healthy litter – most of you know what our year has been like so far – and it just seems like an extra little blessing.

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We LOVE their rich colors!

Piper’s litter at around a week old – waiting to be weighed

Newborn Labradors don’t much care for the camera, and getting them to stay still long enough to introduce you to these precious puppies was no small feat.

They are the cuddliest bunch! We never find one off alone sleeping, always all nestled together in a sweet little pile of puppy adorableness. In fact, most of them don’t like being the ones on the “outer” circle and often find their way to the top of the pile.

There are 4 black males, 1 chocolate male, 2 black females and 2 chocolate females in this litter. We have decided to keep a black male back from this litter as a Breeder’s Pick – which means there are 8 puppies available to our Reservation List.

The Boys – 4 black and 1 chocolate
Mr Chocolate making sure he’s in the puppy mix
Sweet Labrador Puppies 12 days old
The Girls – 2 black, 2 chocolate – *very sleepy
Sweet, cuddly puppies – the Girls
English Labrador Pups
Love those blocky heads!

You can already see how blocky these little English labs’ heads are. They are going to be stunning. Beautiful English Labrador Puppies, indeed.

Their eyes aren’t open yet, and there are no personalities to be observed yet, but more information on them will be coming soon! Most of our families who mention wanting a yellow/light colored lab are waiting for Nala’s litter (just a little over a week away now! yay!) so check the list and start prepping! These beauties will be ready to come home to you on June 9th! More pickup specifics will be sent out as we get closer, but get to planning y’all! Your babies are finally coming home!

For those of you further down on the list, Adrian is confirmed pregnant and we have reason to hope for a decent sized black/chocolate litter from her as well! Her pups will be due late May.

We are *still waiting on Aspen (she seems to be enjoying making us wait! Ha!) and we have several other litters in the works for you all, as well. Keep in mind, too, that come this summer we expect to have Molly and Belle ready to breed. It will be a very busy year, and we are so grateful for all our helpers at Kindred Pup.

We are so thankful that all of you have trusted us with this important addition to your lives! We are loving every second so far and are so very proud of the Piper and this amazing litter.

I know lots of you are waiting for spots to open on our Reservation List. Thank you all for your interest! We are waiting for Nala’s litter to be born and then will try to open up some spots. Subscribe to the blog if you want to be notified when spots open up! Interest has been high, so get on the list soon! You can also email me for info, too.

Tags: Beautiful English Labrador Puppies, Black Labradors, Chocolate Labradors

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