Labrador retriever Puppies

Welcome to Kindred Pup’s English Labrador Puppy and Breed Resource Page.
Labrador Retrievers, often just called “Labs,” are one of the world’s favorite dog breeds, and one of the most popular puppies in America. These friendly and fun-loving dogs have won the hearts of countless dog enthusiasts. They’re known for their intelligence and trainability, loyalty, and their ability to fit into a wide range of roles, from family pets to working dogs.

Purpose of the Guide: This guide is here for anyone interested in Labrador retrievers, whether you’re just starting to think about getting a Labrador Puppy or you’re already a Labrador fan. It’s your one-stop resource for all things Labrador retriever. We’ll dive into their history, their unique traits, what makes them tick, and how to take the best care of them. So, let’s jump in and explore the fantastic world of Labrador Retrievers together!

A brief overview of the Labrador Retriever’s origin and history

The Labrador Retriever’s history is a fascinating tale of a loyal working dog that evolved into a beloved family pet. Here’s a brief overview:

Origins in Newfoundland, Canada: The Labrador Retriever’s story begins in Newfoundland, Canada, in the early 19th century. It was originally known as the “St. John’s dog” or the “Lesser Newfoundland.” These dogs were essential to the local fishermen, serving as versatile working dogs. They were excellent swimmers with a love for water, which made them invaluable for retrieving fishing nets and escaped fish.

Development in the United Kingdom: In the early 19th century, these hardworking dogs found their way to the United Kingdom. British sportsmen and hunters were immediately impressed with their retrieving abilities. They began breeding them with other retriever and gun dog breeds, resulting in the emergence of what we now know as the Labrador Retriever.

Through careful breeding, Labradors were refined and developed as superb hunting and retrieving dogs, particularly for waterfowl. Their amiable temperament, intelligence, and trainability made them prized assets for hunters.

Today, the Labrador Retriever is not only a beloved family companion but also excels in various roles, including search and rescue, therapy work, and as guide dogs for the visually impaired. Their history as both a hardworking and gentle breed has made them a cherished member of countless households worldwide.

English Labrador Puppy and Breed Resource Page


Labrador Retrievers are known for their distinctive and appealing physical features, which make them easily recognizable and beloved. Here’s a detailed description of their physical characteristics:


  • Labradors are a medium to large breed. Adult males typically stand around 22.5 to 24.5 inches (57 to 62 cm) at the shoulder, while adult females are slightly smaller, measuring 21.5 to 23.5 inches (55 to 60 cm).


Coat Colors:

  • Labradors come in three primary coat colors: black, yellow, and chocolate (brown). Yellow Labradors can range from a pale cream to a rich fox-red hue. The coat is typically solid in color, and some may have a small white spot on the chest.

Coat Type:

  • Their short, dense double coat is designed to keep them warm and dry while working in cold water. The outer coat is stiff and water-resistant, while the undercoat is soft and insulating. This coat structure helps them stay comfortable in various weather conditions.

Body Structure:

  • Labradors have a well-proportioned and muscular body. Their build is solid and athletic, designed for strength and agility.
  • They have a broad, moderately long head with expressive brown or hazel eyes and floppy, pendant-shaped ears.
  • Their neck is powerful and muscular, flowing into a straight and level back.
  • The chest is deep and wide, providing ample lung capacity.
  • Labradors have strong, straight legs with webbed feet, which are one of their distinctive features. The webbing between their toes aids them in swimming, and it’s a testament to their heritage as waterfowl retrievers.
  • Their tail is another unique feature, often described as “otter-like.” It’s thick at the base, gradually tapering to a point, and it’s used like a rudder in the water to help them navigate while swimming.

Conformation Guide:

English Labrador vs American Labrador Image
This image courtesy of Outdoor Life

For us at Kindred Pup, there are things we love about both “styles” of Labrador. We have an idea of our “ideal labrador” that we are aiming for, a nice blend of both styles in appearance, and leaning toward the English Lab in temperament and disposition. Every good dog breeder should have an idea of what type of puppies they are hoping to produce.


Keep in mind that excellent pedigrees and a knowledgeable breeder are the best way to ensure a happy, healthy pup.

Labrador Retrievers are renowned for their exceptional temperament, making them one of the most beloved and popular family dogs, and for good reason. While labradors can vary a bit, their typical temperament can be summed up in a few key characteristics:

1. Friendly and Outgoing: Labradors are known for their friendly and outgoing nature. They have a natural affinity for people and other animals, which makes them sociable and easy to get along with. They often greet strangers with a wagging tail and a welcoming demeanor, which makes them excellent choices for families, including those with children.

2. Gentle and Kind: Labradors are gentle souls. They are patient and tolerant, especially with children and other pets. Their kind disposition means they’re less likely to get easily agitated or aggressive, making them an ideal breed for households with a variety of family members.

3. Intelligence: Labradors are highly intelligent dogs. They are quick learners and have a remarkable ability to understand and follow commands. This intelligence makes them versatile and capable of learning a wide range of skills, from basic obedience to advanced tasks.

4. Eagerness to Please: One of the Labrador’s standout traits is their eagerness to please their owners. They are highly motivated by positive reinforcement, and their desire to make their humans happy means they are responsive to training and cooperative in various activities.

5. Playful and Energetic: Labradors have a playful spirit and boundless energy. They thrive on activity and play, making them ideal companions for outdoor adventures and games. Their enthusiasm and vitality can be infectious, bringing joy to their families.

6. Loyal and Protective: While Labradors are friendly, they are also loyal and protective of their families. They have an innate sense of responsibility and will act as watchdogs when they sense potential threats.

7. Versatile: Labradors are versatile dogs that excel in various roles. They can be loyal family pets, therapy dogs, search and rescue dogs, service dogs, and even skilled hunters. Their adaptability is a testament to their intelligence and trainable nature.

In summary, the Labrador’s typical temperament is characterized by their friendliness, intelligence, eagerness to please, and gentle disposition. These qualities, combined with their playful nature, make them not only excellent family pets but also valuable working dogs in a variety of roles. Whether as a loving companion or a skilled service animal, Labradors bring an abundance of positive traits to any household.

Black Labrador Training

Labrador Puppy Training Milestone Timeline


Labrador Retrievers are intelligent and eager to please, making them trainable and responsive to the right techniques. Here are some training tips:

  • Positive Reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement techniques, such as treats and praise, to reward good behavior. Labradors respond well to rewards and will eagerly repeat behaviors that result in positive outcomes. *Remember to watch their calories! Treats add up.*
  • Consistency: Be consistent in your training approach. Establish clear rules and expectations, and ensure that all family members follow them consistently. A trained puppy is a happy puppy.
  • Early Socialization: Early socialization is crucial. Expose your Labrador puppy to a variety of people, animals, and environments to help them become well-adjusted and confident adults.
  • Basic Obedience: Teach basic obedience commands like sit, stay, and come. These commands are essential for safety and well-behaved behavior.
  • Advanced Training: Labradors thrive on learning new skills. Consider advanced training, like agility or scent work, to keep them mentally engaged.
  • Patience and Positive Attitude: Labrador training can sometimes be challenging, but a patient and positive attitude will yield the best results.

Exercise Guide for English Labradors

Labrador Retrievers are high-energy dogs that require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Here’s a closer look at their exercise needs:

  • High Energy Levels: Labradors are known for their boundless energy. They are naturally active and enjoy physical activities, whether it’s playing fetch, running, or swimming. Without adequate exercise, they may become bored or anxious.
  • Daily Exercise: Ideally, Labradors need at least 30-60 minutes of vigorous exercise each day. This can be in the form of brisk walks, jogging, or playing interactive games. However, many Labs will happily engage in more activity if provided.
  • Mental Stimulation: In addition to physical exercise, Labradors benefit from mental stimulation. Puzzle toys, obedience training, and interactive games can keep their minds engaged and prevent boredom.
Training a labrador puppy

Nutrition and Diet

White English Lab Puppy

Feeding your Labrador Retriever a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for their overall health and well-being. Here are some important considerations:

1. Portion Sizes:

  • Portion sizes should be determined based on your Labrador’s age, size, activity level, and overall health. Puppies will have different nutritional needs than adult dogs, and active dogs may require more calories than sedentary ones.
  • Typically, adult Labradors require 2-2.5 cups of high-quality dog food per day, divided into two meals.

2. Feeding Schedule:

  • Establish a regular feeding schedule. Most Labradors do well with two meals a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
  • Avoid free-feeding, where food is available all day. This can lead to overeating and obesity.

3. Balanced Diet:

  • Ensure your Labrador’s diet includes a balance of high-quality protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Look for dog foods with named meat sources (e.g., chicken, beef) as the primary ingredients.
  • Vegetables, fruits, and whole grains can provide essential vitamins and fiber. Avoid dog foods with excessive fillers or artificial additives.

Common Health Issues Related to Diet:

1. Obesity:

  • Labradors are prone to obesity due to their love of food and their voracious appetite. Excess weight can lead to various health problems, including joint issues and diabetes. To prevent obesity, measure portion sizes carefully and avoid overfeeding. Regular exercise is also crucial.

2. Food Allergies:

  • Some Labradors may develop food allergies or sensitivities. Common allergens include wheat, soy, and certain proteins (e.g., chicken or beef). If your Labrador shows signs of food allergies, such as skin irritation or gastrointestinal issues, consult with a veterinarian to identify and address the problem.

3. Hip and Elbow Dysplasia:

  • While not directly related to diet, maintaining a healthy weight through proper nutrition can reduce the risk of orthopedic issues like hip and elbow dysplasia, which are common concerns in Labradors.

4. Bloat (Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus):

  • Labradors are at an increased risk of bloat, a life-threatening condition where the stomach twists. Feeding smaller, more frequent meals and discouraging exercise immediately after eating can help reduce this risk.

Consult with your veterinarian to create a specific feeding plan tailored to your Labrador’s individual needs. Regular check-ups and discussions about diet and nutrition can help ensure your Labrador maintains a healthy weight and overall well-being.

Grooming and Care

Jokes aside, there are ways to reduce your Labrador Retriver’s shedding, and both you and your dog or puppy, and vacuum, will be glad for it!

Labrador Retrievers have a distinctive double coat that helps protect them in various weather conditions. Proper grooming is essential to maintain their coat’s health and manage shedding. Here’s a closer look at their grooming needs:

Double Coat:

  • Labradors have a double coat comprising an outer, water-resistant coat and a soft, insulating undercoat. This design helps them stay comfortable in cold water and wet conditions.

Shedding Tendencies:

  • Labradors are moderate to heavy shedders. They shed year-round, with increased shedding during seasonal changes, particularly in the spring and fall.

Tips for Grooming and Maintenance:

  1. Brushing: Regular brushing is essential to manage shedding and keep your Labrador’s coat in good condition. Here are some brushing tips:
    • Use a quality slicker brush or undercoat rake to reach the dense undercoat.
    • Brush your Labrador at least once a week, and more frequently during heavy shedding periods.
    • Pay special attention to areas where mats can form, like behind the ears and in the tail area.
  2. Bathing: Labradors generally do not require frequent baths unless they’ve been rolling in something particularly dirty or smelly. Here are some bathing tips:
    • Use a mild dog shampoo to avoid drying out their skin.
    • Make sure to rinse thoroughly, as any soap residue can lead to skin irritation.
    • After a bath, thoroughly dry your Labrador with a towel to prevent skin issues.
  3. Ear Cleaning: Regularly check and clean your Labrador’s ears to prevent ear infections. Use a veterinarian-recommended ear cleaning solution and a soft cloth to clean the ear flap and ear canal gently.
  4. Nail Trimming: Keep your Labrador’s nails trimmed to a proper length. Overgrown nails can cause discomfort and affect their gait. If you’re unsure how to trim them, consult a professional groomer or veterinarian.
  5. Dental Care: Good oral hygiene is essential. Brush your Labrador’s teeth regularly and provide dental chews or toys to promote healthy gums and prevent dental issues.
  6. Healthy Diet: Proper nutrition contributes to healthy skin and coat. Ensure your Labrador’s diet includes essential fatty acids, which can help reduce shedding and maintain a shiny coat.
  7. Professional Grooming: Consider professional grooming services for tasks like deshedding treatments or full grooming sessions, especially if you’re not comfortable performing these tasks at home.

Proper grooming and maintenance of your Labrador’s coat not only reduce shedding but also promote their overall health and comfort. Regular grooming sessions also provide an opportunity to check for any skin issues, ticks, or fleas, helping keep your Labrador happy and healthy.

Thank you for reading our English Labrador Puppy and Breed Resource Page

As we strive to help wonderful people discover the joy of the Labrador Retriever Puppy, we will continue to update this page with new info. We are also compiling a list of links to our favorite puppy items! Stay tuned!