Little Labrador Puppy Cuddles

Happy Mother’s Day everyone! I hope you’re all celebrating and having a great time and having fun looking at some beautiful pictures of Piper’s Girls!

I also hope you saw my post yesterday introducing Piper’s Boys – if not, check it out!

Forgive the shameless Cubs plug

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Here is Miss Orange – a beautiful Chocolate English Labrador Puppy

That face, though!
A perfect Labrador Profile

Miss Purple – our lovely Black English Labrador Puppy

A perfect English Lab Puppy

Miss White – Chocolate Lab Puppy Perfection

I LOVE that blocky head!
Sweetest little labrador face
Don’t you just want to cuddle that little lab pup?

Miss Red – the softest coat ever – our Black English Labrador Pup

Black Labrador retriever – 3 weeks old
Puppy Dog Eyes for the win
Lab Puppies make me swoon

Thanks for keeping up with us! And incidentally, I heard our website was down for a few minutes today – I apologize! Hopefully the bug has been fixed!

Nala updates coming soon!

Happy Mother’s Day!

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