“Nala’s Polar Bear Labrador Puppies”

As I teased yesterday, Nala’s litter of Labrador Puppies look like tiny little Polar Bears. They are so adorable soft and fluffy and nearly all of them are very light cream or white. The black collared male is the darkest of the litter by far, and he is STRIKING. These 7 beautiful pups are so loved already, and my kiddos are in heaven with so many puppies around!

I’ll introduce the boys today and the girls tomorrow; I wouldn’t want you all to die of cuteness. 🙂

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Mr Dark Blue

Beautiful Polar White Puppy
Polar Bear Puppy Profile
Isn’t this puppy gorgeous?
AKC Labrador Puppy
Puppy Dog Eyes FTW
English Labrador Puppies have that gorgeously blocky head, a shorter snout, a wider build than their American style counterparts.

Mr Light Blue

English Labrador Puppy
Polar Bear Cub – uh, I mean, Labrador Puppy
Polar White Labrador Puppy
How can you say “no” to that face!?

Mr Black

Light Cream English Labrador
Beautiful coloring and features on this boy
Cream Colored Labrador Puppy
Beautiful cream colored English Labrador Puppy
Sleepy Labrador Puppy
Creamy and Dreamy – taking pictures is tiring!

There’s our boys! Tomorrow’s post will have 4 females for you to “oooooo” and “ahhhhhh” over. Check back! You won’t want to miss it.

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