
Dogs need groomed

One of the qualities that Labradors have is that they are relatively low maintenance. A treat, a hug, and an active lifestyle keep these dogs happy and healthy for years. While smaller breeds have gained in popularity over the years, and while grooming your pets has become more and more common place, I’m still pretty sure that the low-key grooming needs of Labrador Retrievers are one of the things that keeps them number 1 as “America’s Favorite Dog”.

But that is not to say that they need NO grooming. If you’d like to keep your carpet from being 10% dog fur, a good grooming brush will do wonders, especially as the season changes for the warmer, and they shed their thicker winter coats.

There are tons and tons of gizmos and gadgets to help with this task, but as our sweet Kindred Pup families prepare their homes for their new arrivals, I thought I’d pass along our favorite: The Furminator. These are available in multiple forms and from most pet stores and online. I think they are the absolute BEST on the market, and I’ve tried plenty. Why are they the best?

  • Relatively inexpensive
  • Good quality holds up well for years of use
  • Pulls excess fur with ease, getting more off than other brushes
  • Comfortable for the dog as there is no pulling/scratching
The only descending tool you’ll need

I’m sure you’re all browsing the best food bowls, dog beds, toys and crates, so I’ll be passing along some suggestions of things we love.

Now I’m off to cuddle some baby pups… until next time.

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