Blonde Labrador Puppy giving sweet Puppy Eyes
Puppy Eyes

If you asked any loving breeder what the hardest part of this process is, I am guessing they would all answer as we do: sending the puppies home. It is a sad, and often tearful goodbye. My youngest kiddos slept with the collars of their favorite pups on their wrists for a while, and still have them in their “keepsake boxes”.

Meeting their new pup
Their New Puppy Settles in for a Cuddle

That part of the process only starts to sink in right around week 5, when you’re absolutely in love with them but they look like “real” puppies that can head home soon. Thankfully, week 6 brings puppy visits with our Kindred Pup families. They drive here from all over Colorado, and sometimes Wyoming, Kansas, or beyond. Our nerves are a little on edge the few minutes before each meeting as we rehearse our speech for what to do if Cruella DeVille shows up. (Thanks to our families who giggled through that little story with us this weekend!)

But, thank God, we have ended up with SUCH wonderful families/owners for Molly’s pups. It’s wonderful to have a waitlist to access if someone just doesn’t “feel right”, and it brings such comfort to hear people ask thoughtful questions about their soon-to-head-home labrador pup. We are also thankful that Americans are so familiar with Labradors, with all of our families having owned one in the past. They’re an educated bunch, with hearts ready for a new four-legged baby to enter.

Blonde Labrador Puppy
Puppy Curiosity

We spend the next few weeks giving lots and lots of love to our puppies, and increasing their training to make the transition to their new homes as smooth as possible, and regularly catching each other’s eyes, often misty, and each of us communicating – “I’m so glad they’re nice.” “I’m so glad those kids will have their own Molly.” “Oh, you sweet puppy… they already love you so much!”

Yellow Labrador Puppy
Is it worth getting off the mat to go get that ball?

Thank you to all of you as you work to get your home ready for these sweet babies… they’re in good hands until then.

See you soon!

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  1. Sarah McCambrideg

    You all have done such an amazing job caring for these puppies! Thank you for all the love you’re giving them❤️

    1. kindredpup_zcm1tc

      Thanks Sarah! It’s so comforting to know they’ll get so much love from all our families. Makes all the work worth it! See you soon!

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