
Beautiful Labrador Puppies – Piper’s awesome girls

Amazing Labrador Puppy

I’m hoping you all enjoyed looking at Piper’s AMAZING BOYS, but are you ready for some more Beautiful Labrador Puppies?! Piper’s girls, coming up!

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The pups in this litter, and especially the girls, LOVE the water! I’m sure they will all be crazy about all the outdoor activities our families will enjoy with them!

Starting things out for us, Miss Orange:

Perfect Chocolate Labrador Puppy
English Lab Profile

This sweet pup is cuddly and affectionate, and very attentive.

Miss Red

Gorgeous Black Labrador Female
Lab Puppy – all attention

This amazing puppy is so very smart. She picks up on things very easily and always manages to “nanny” the other pups, leaving herself the last to be moved into or out of her pen. She almost “corrals” or “herds” them, making sure none are left behind.

Miss Beige

Sugar and Spice

This sweet puppy is “Sugar and Spice” – playful and sweet, she always has a mischievous and “knowing” look on her face. Her expressions match her wagging tail and happy-go-lucky demeanor.

Miss Purple

Blocky Head – our favorite trait

Eager to please

This little girl’s desire to please is the most adorable thing. Here she sits, pretty as can be, watching intently as my son reaches down to pick her up. Don’t you just want to hold her forever!?

That’s it for now! Our zoom visits begin this week to have our families start picking out puppies, and we couldn’t be happier for them all!

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