
Handmade Beautiful Dog Collars

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In the world of pet accessories, there are a ton of options. but as for collars? These are my favorite.

My sweet friend Amy has a unique work ethic: she sets out to master whatever she sets her hand to, be it piano, photography, handmade candles or now – dog collars.

You can see the collar that she made for Molly in her pictures. It just looks lovely on her creamy coat of fur.

But if you are looking for a collar for your fur baby, check out Amy’s Etsy shop: Red Fern Fashions.

We have one of the incredibly strong leashes as well. Which helps, since Molly is an 80 lb lab that is extremely strong! Here is one of the collars that she and her family make by hand here in Colorado.

Handmade Collar
Red Fern Fashions


I know we in Colorado feel a desire to support local business and we’ve all grown to know that handmade often equals superior quality. I hope you’ll check out her page if you’re looking for a collar and leash!

Incidentally, all Kindred Pups will go home to their forever families with one of Amy’s lovely collars!


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