These little lab puppies are so sweet and chubby and soft! I can already see the start of their big blocky heads and feel their sweet fur. Have I told you that Molly is the softest labrador EVER?? She truly has the best, most cuddly, soft fur. And their squeaks?! Total Gush! (For some fun info about these totally-for-human sounds check out this post! )

Puppies are still gaining weight and doing fabulous with Molly. We can’t wait for them to be up and around with their eyes open. Shouldn’t be long now!

Have all of you settled on a name for your new Pup yet? I’ve heard a few of your ideas… but leave a comment with your narrowed-down choices!

Beautiful Yellow Labrador Puppies – 1 1/2 weeks old
See the nose already starting to gain some color? What a beautiful pup!

For anyone interested, we posted a quick little video of these pups on our Facebook Page

Until next time…

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