
Puppy Inquiries

Hello everyone! Long-time-no-write! Sorry about my silence here. Truth is, COVID and quarantine and people being home bound have sent puppy inquiries through the roof and between answering what inquiries I can, caring for Molly and loving up the pups, I just have not had the time!

I am thankful to say that all the pups in this litter have been spoken for, and I don’t anticipate any spots falling through.

I do feel terrible for all the families looking for the perfect puppy who haven’t been able to find one. I know it’s crazy out there right now!

All I can tell you is this: please be picky. There are lots of people scamming and I’ve heard a lot of horror stories these past months, so do your research and pray for patience! The right puppy is worth the wait!

Not to make you jealous, but here are just a few shots of our sweet pups from last week!

Sweet 4 week old puppy

Yellow Labrador Puppy Love

Aren’t Labs the cutest?

Thanks to all our new followers and those who have reached out regarding puppies! I’ll be sure to share if I hear of any reputable Labradors available.

Until next time,

Kindred Pup


  • Don and Carol Sell

    Hello! We have inquired a few times about getting on a list for upcoming litters and putting our name on a list. We are extremely interested in a male pup. We have only received the auto response and don’t know what we need to do to be considered. Please let us know what we can do on our end. We are anxious to bring a puppy into our lives as our beloved pet of many years passed and we so want a new little love in our home. Best Regards, Don and Carol Sell

  • Don and Carol Sell

    Hello! We are interested in getting on a list for future litters. We are extremely interested in a male pup. P!ease let us know how we should go about this as we have inquired previously and didn’t get a response. Any response will be much appreciated! Best Regards! Don and Carol Sell

    • Kindred Pup

      Don! I’m so sorry! I keep missing you! I have seen your email and will write you back right away. It’s a pleasure to hear from you!

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