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Aspen’s sweet Labrador Puppies are a little over 5 weeks old already, can you believe it?!? Here are some updated pics for our followers and families. Our picks will begin around 6 weeks of age, once we feel we have a good assessment on their personalities.

These beautiful Labradors are just as amazing as their parents! They seem strong and friendly. Their fur is soft and lovely shades of cream and light yellow. The pups have done wonderfully with their challenges and are LOVING their time outside. They have enjoyed the different types of ground, lap “cuddle” time and are teaching each other about play. So far, this entire litter hasn’t been terribly into toys, but I am guessing that will change this week. I’ll keep you posted. Alright, enough from me. Onto the pups!

Miss Pink

Mr Orange

Labrador Puppy Eyes FTW
Gorgeous Labrador Puppy

Miss Red

Beautiful English Labrador Puppy

Mr Green

Curious Labrador Puppy
Perfect English Labrador Profile

Miss Purple

Beauty – Perfect English Labrador
Playful Labrador Puppy

Mr Blue

Intelligent English Labrador Puppy

These beautiful pups have been such a joy! Stay tuned for more updates!

Until then.

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