The life of a new puppy brings a new experience to them on a weekly basis. New sounds, new smells, new textures, new desires for play, pain, hunger, anxiety… all of these things need to be handled by a knowledgeable breeder who will take the time to get to know each pup and spend the time it requires to give them the attention they need. Whether you’re helping a puppy showing signs of aggression, or you are helping a puppy who is too timid, a good breeder will know what to do.

Our goal at Kindred Pup is to do everything in our power to ensure that your puppy comes to you confident and ready to tackle life. Not all pups are the same, of course; some are more driven and active, some more cuddly and affectionate. But ALL puppies ABSOLUTELY CAN and SHOULD be confident that they can handle what life throws at them. A puppy who is not afraid of the world won’t lash out. Oddly enough, both aggression and timidity stem from the same insecurity. A series of rightly timed “successes” can turn that all around. We’ve done it. 🙂

I found this article extremely helpful and am passing it along to all of you for your reading. Whether you are getting a puppy from us or if you’re still browsing around, this is so important. Be sure to do your homework and figure out what your breeder’s plan is to help your puppy enter the world.

Now, THAT is a confident pup.

I especially appreciated this paragraph:

“Puppies are most accepting of new experiences between 3 and 12 weeks old. After that age, they become much more cautious of anything they haven’t yet encountered. From about 12 to 18 weeks old the opportunity to easily socialize the puppy ends-and with each passing week it becomes harder to get the pup to accept and enjoy something that he’s initially wary of. After 18 weeks old, it’s extremely difficult, and sometimes impossible, to teach a dog to like something new, or help him become comfortable with something he finds frightening.”

This is why it is SO crucial that these priorities are shared by your breeder! The first 8 weeks of a puppy’s life are in the hands of the person who whelps them – for better or worse.

In case you’re wondering, puppy socialization doesn’t take up 12 hours a day – they need plenty of nap time, time with their littermate and mama, and time to learn to play on their own.

Want to read the full article? Here it is:

(This is not our puppy. Just a cute, happy dog, showing off some confidence.)

A knowledgeable buyer and a knowledgeable breeder make a great pair. 🙂

To read more about what we have done in the past, peruse past blog posts. You’ll get a very clear idea of how our puppies spend their days.

Until next time,


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