
Available Black English Labrador Puppies – Jasmine and Hank’s litter

Well, the holidays and New Year and puppy pick ups sure made the past few weeks speed along! We’ve begun reaching out to our Reservation list but we are happy to announce that we have Available Black English Labrador Puppies from Jasmine and Hank’s litter.

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These beautiful Black English Lab Pups are really coming out of their shells and will be ready to head to their forever homes very soon. I’ll post some recent photos here along with a description from these amazing labrador pups. This litter had 4 black pups and one blonde pup. I’m starting with the blonde puppy and the blacks will follow.)

Miss Blonde – cream coat female

The Blonde female (yellow/cream coat) is the smallest of the litter and also the calmest. She’s a bit shy although not overly fearful. Her coat is velvety soft, her eyes make you want to give her anything she asks for, and her patience for my toddler is unmatched. While I feel she will transition into any home well, I believe she will do best in a quieter home and would be a good match for families with older dogs/older family members. 

  • Smaller in size, I’m guessing she will be in the low 60 pound range
  • Calm and loyal, gentle (comparatively, she’s still a puppy 🙂 )
  • More Cream colored than yellow
Available English Labrador Puppy

Miss Yellow (AKA Miss Happy) and Miss White (Cuddle Bug extraordinaire)

The Yellow COLLARED female we call Miss Happy. She’s the biggest of the females, and should max out in the high 60 pound range. She has a white patch on her chest which I love. (It is allowed by AKC in black labs and is considered something of a “birth mark”.)  She’s shiny, seems to “prance” when she walks (it’s truly so funny) and is so in love with her sister it’s not even funny. (More on that later.) She’s smart, determined but responds well to redirection. I imagine she will fit nicely into any home, but will be happiest in a home with other pets and an at least moderately active lifestyle. 

The White COLLARED female is Sweet as sugar. Always up for a romp, endlessly patient, and cuddly like a toy, this sweet girl is at her happiest with Miss Happy or on your lap although she is showing more interest in “fetch” type games. Moderate intelligence, eager to please, and gentle with children, this lovable girl is bound to have you wrapped in no time. 

***For the first time in my 8 years as a breeder, I am specifically stating that these two females seem to have a wonderful and healthy bond. If you have ever considered getting two pups at once, these are your girls. I will, of course, be willing to split them up, but they are absolutely a dream together and have bonded deeply. I am showing them here together – Miss Yellow on the right, Miss White on the left.

Black Labrador Females


The Black collared male is an amazing pup. He is the biggest of the litter, moderate on activity level, moderate intelligence and super, super cute. We love his floppy ears, saggy skin and his sort of “dopey” and “jokester” attitude. He has a small white patch on his chest, which, as mentioned, is acceptable with the AKC. I imagine he will fit nicely into any home, although may not be much of a hunter, or similar, due to a slight lack of focus. 

Mr Light Green RESERVED

The Light Green Collared male is smaller than the Black collar, but not by much. I imagine he will fill out nicely and only be about 5 pounds smaller full grown than the Black male. He has a “birth mark” on his back right foot – a small spot of white that I’m just in love with. (The AKC does allow for this, although it’s not ideal for show. Genetically they believe it’s a dog’s version of a birthmark. It happens in blacks and chocolates, although is more visible in blacks.) He’s smart, a bit less silly while still being playful, and does very well on his own. I’d say he’s a near perfect mix of social and independent. I imagine he will fit nicely into any home. 

English Labrador Puppies

Aren’t they precious?!? While our Waitlist makes their decisions, feel free to fill out the form below if you are interested in one of these Beautiful, Available Black English Labrador Puppies. Interested in our Available Yellow Labrador Puppies? Click here for more from our Grand Champion Fiona and her recent litter.
**I will be making a trip to Colorado to deliver pups after the 18th of January. Let me know if you are from there and I am happy to bring your pup along!**

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