• Molly

    The Puppies Are Here!

    Our much awaited litter has arrived! they are healthy, thriving and beautiful. we are so thrilled with how they are progressing and how molly has been as a mama. Even though their little noses and paws will be black, they are still born with all that light coloring. It is absolutely amazing to watch the puppies in their whelping box. Their eyes closed. Their back legs being drug along by their front legs as they feel for warmth with their noses. As soon as they find a sign of Mama they begin to swing their heads from side to side looking for a place to nurse. Mama Molly knows just…

  • Molly

    Handmade Beautiful Dog Collars

    In the world of pet accessories, there are a ton of options. but as for collars? These are my favorite. My sweet friend Amy has a unique work ethic: she sets out to master whatever she sets her hand to, be it piano, photography, handmade candles or now – dog collars. You can see the collar that she made for Molly in her pictures. It just looks lovely on her creamy coat of fur. But if you are looking for a collar for your fur baby, check out Amy’s Etsy shop: Red Fern Fashions. We have one of the incredibly strong leashes as well. Which helps, since Molly is an…

  • Molly

    Early Puppy Development

    The World of early puppy development is simply fascinating. Like most things, there are lots of opinions (some conflicting) and the effort to reconcile all that information can be daunting. But there are some things that are agreed upon. Success in a dog’s life is directly affected by the first 12 weeks of life. We began discussing this in my last post (here) and will probably continue for a looooong while, since there is simply so.much.to.cover. While what people are looking for in a dog varies, there are a few universal things that EVERY dog owner wants: a happy, obedient dog As few messes in the house as possible An…

  • Molly

    Puppy Culture

    Did you know that the first 12 weeks of a puppies life can set the stage for success (or frustration) for their whole lives? just like most things, a proactive healthy start to life and training makes the road ahead all the smoother. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and puppies are no exception. The stage is first set by the breeder. Jane Killion, of the rave reviewed “Puppy Culture” program, says it this way: “Over the years I’ve come to realize something: much of what people consider problematic in their adult dogs, from aggression right down to lack of focus in a performance dog, often…

  • Molly

    Puppy Love

    We are now right around two weeks away from Molly’s litter, and we are getting so excited to meet and love on these little pups! Puppy love is all around our house these days as we watch videos, assemble whelping supplies, and love up our Lab. all this sentiment has made us remember a mama dog we helped foster during her whelping a few years back, and looking at the pictures has just made us giddy with anticipation! She was a sweet german shepherd and a very experienced mama dam and raised her small litter of 4 pups beautifully. It’s so wonderful to see the puppies come out of their…

  • Molly

    Cozy days – Life with a Lab

    The weather seems to have finally shifted cooler here in colorado. the leaves are gone too soon, probably due to that snow storm we had a few weeks ago. You know, the week before it was mid 70’s for 8 days. why isn’t fall 6 months long? Our sweet Molly, born in the ukraine, isn’t minding the weather at all. she seems to enjoy romping outside no matter what and, like us, happily cozies up next to the fire to read or watch a movie. These are cozy days, made all the more full with our sweet dog. She’s only got about 3 weeks left until puppies, and we are…

  • Molly

    Wet and Happy Labrador

    It’s pretty widely known that labradors love water. i mean, they are america’s favorite hunting dogs for a reason. but the thoroughness of that love surprises me. My children asked if they could enjoy the sprinkler this past weekend. It was in the 70’s in October and the older ones know that COLD is coming. They leapt into their swim suits and jumped on a wet trampoline, spraying each other with the hose and laughing loud and long. Molly took about 2 seconds to jump into the action. This sweet lab, who is three weeks from her due date and already showing a little extra around her mid-section, was in…

  • Molly

    English Labrador – Pretty Pup

    When an english labrador is pregnant It’s common for some female dogs (and, eh hem, other “species”) to exhibit aggressiveness and grouchiness during pregnancy, Molly has been the opposite. She’s starting to show some physical signs of pregnancy, and we are just three short weeks from her whelp date! But mainly, she’s been extra affectionate and very subdued. She still runs some and loves going on walks, but she seems to be laying extra low these days. We are all eager to meet these pups of hers! You can check for litter updates here.   In the mean time, we are busily preparing for her whelping. In Colorado, the weather…

  • Molly

    Puppies are just a few short weeks away! We are thrilled to be expecting a new litter here in mid-november. Puppies! You can of course check out upcoming litters here, but life with Molly is just beginning to change a bit. While we have heard that some mama dogs can get slightly more aggressive and show changes in temperament while pregnant, Molly has become all the more cuddly and sweet during the last week or two.   She’s on a wonderful dog food, recommended to us by our fantastic stud dog owner, Karen, called Fromm. You should definitely check it out at your local pet food store! She is also…